Dealing with Crises in Marriage: Turning Conflict into Connection and Saving Your Home from Breaking Apart

Dealing with Crises in Marriage: Turning Conflict into Connection and Saving Your Home from Breaking Apart

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$139.00 $39.00

Every marriage faces moments of crisis—those periods when everything feels fragile, and it seems like the home you’ve built together is crumbling. Whether it’s financial stress, infidelity, emotional disconnect, or external pressures, crises have the power to either break a marriage or make it stronger.

"Dealing with Crises in Marriage" is your ultimate guide to navigating these storms and emerging stronger as a couple. This book provides practical, actionable solutions to the toughest challenges couples face, turning pain into a path toward healing and connection. Packed with real-life stories, step-by-step strategies, and emotional insights, this book shows that no matter how big the crisis, there is always a way forward.

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